4 Tips for Environmental Erosion Control on Steep Slopes

11 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Soil erosion can be a serious problem on steep slopes. When landscaping areas of land that are steeply sloped, it is important to put measures in place to keep the soil from washing away. Here are some tips that can help.

1. Plant Shrubs

One of the best methods of environmental erosion control is to plant shrubs on the slope. Choose a low, spreading variety for best results. The roots of the shrub bind the soil together, making it much less susceptible to erosion. Meanwhile, the leaves of the shrub prevent rain from falling directly onto the ground, which means that it is less likely to wash away the topsoil. Check that the shrubs you choose are suitable for planting on a steep slope and that their light and shade requirements match the conditions of the land you have available.

2. Use a Compost Blanket

Sometimes known as an erosion control blanket, a compost blanket is a fibre mesh covered with a thick layer of mulch. The fibres help to hold the compost together while it integrates with the soil, adding minerals and richness that can help many types of plants to grow. The fibres in compost blankets are biodegradable and slowly break down over time. By the time the fibres have degraded, it is likely that the plants you have sown will have put down strong enough roots to act as erosion control themselves.

3. Create Terraces

Terraces are a traditional method of preventing soil erosion on steep slopes. The idea is that water cannot run directly down a stepped landscape, which means that it is much more difficult for heavy rain to wash away soil from a terrace compared to from a smooth slope. You can create terraces from wood, concrete, bricks or more or less any other durable material. Terraces can look very attractive as part of a carefully designed landscape.

4. Build Diversions

One option for controlling the flow of water down a steep slope is to build channels that guide its course. These diversions take water away from the main part of your landscape and divert it into a gutter or pipe, therefore allowing it to drain away without causing serious soil erosion. It is important to position the diversions correctly to create effective drainage, so it might be a good idea to consult with an erosion control expert if you plan to use this method.

For more information on environmental erosion control, contact a company near you.